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Top reviews for Candide

"Magic", "A triumph", "Fireworks" - The press loved the new production of Candide at Bergen National Opera

Please note that reviews in Norway are measured on a scale from 0 to 6


"Tenor Anthony Gregory is at the center of the performance in the role of Candide. He sings the party with a big, romantic, musical voice"

"Candide's beloved Cunegonde is sung convincingly by South African soprano Vuvu Mpofu, who among other things impresses with beautiful, vocal explosions in the coloratura aria " Glitter and be gay "

"It is clear from the beginning that the conductor, Karen Kamensek, has a firm grip on the complex score"

"The bass-baritone Gidon Saxon sings the role of Dr Pangloss with depth and authority"

"Kitty Whately is the ideal choice of mezzosoprano for the role of the naughty maid Paquette"

"And we must not forget Randi Stene - who has a comic" cameo appearance "in the role of the highly convertible" Old Lady ""

Review by Peter Larsen


"Musical fireworks"

"Mpofu was excellent in "Glitter and be gay" and impressive throughout the performance"

"The Ouverture to Candide is one of Bernstein's most famous compositions, which says a lot. The Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra, led by Karen Kamensek, took great care of the dynamics of this classic"

"The narration is elegant and full of humor, delivered brilliantly by Kevin Whately"

"The finale, with all 12 soloists, choir and orchestra in "Make our garden grow" is a worthy, strong and friendly end to a great performance"

Review by Olav Gorseth


"A musical triumph"

"Bernstein's music spans across all musical borders and rhythms, from madrigal to jazz, from classical to spiked harmonies, from serenity to sweetness - all in a moment. Everything is gathered in the well-known ouverture, lively led by conductor Karmen Kamensek, and delivered with excellence by the orchestra"

"The choir makes a big effort, also in role play"

"Gidon Saks is a brilliant Dr. Pangloss, elegant and debauched, with exquisite diction"

"Vuvu Mpofu glitters in the demanding coloratura aria "Glitter and be gay"

"This is a big boost for Bergen National Opera, Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra, and for Bernstein's Candide as repertoire"

Review by Mona Levin


"Bergen National Opera's production of Candide brought out the best in the operetta, both musically and dramatically"

"The musicians in the Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra - especially the strings - performed like athletes in the powerful ouverture"

"Vuvu Mpofu delivered the vocal highlight of the evening"

Review by Sjur Haga Bringeland

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